1. (The physician as = Physician as> a rebellious intellectual : the book of the two pieces of advice, or, Kitab al- Naṣiḥatayn by 'Abd al-Laṭif ibn Yusuf al- Baghdadi (1162-1231>
پدیدآورنده: \ introduction, edition, and translation of the medical section
کتابخانه: كتابخانه بنياد دايرة المعارف اسلامی (تهران)
موضوع: Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi, Muwaffaq al-Din, 1162-1231. Kitab al Nasihatayn. ,عبداللطیف بغدادی، عبدالطیف بن یوسف، ۵۵۷-۶۲۹ق. کتاب النصیحتین, Physicians' writings, Arabic -- Criticism and interpretation.,Medicine, Arab -- Philosophy
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